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Hong Kong Museum of History - Admission and Opening Hours

Admission and Opening


The museum is undergoing some improvement works, please bear with us some noise and disruption.

Visiting Rules 

Please do not bring large objects and any items which may cause annoyance or inconvenience to others into the museum. Museum staff will inspect personal belongings to ensure that no prohibited items are brought into the museum, and have the right to request visitors to deposit their personal belongings at the cloakroom.
To ensure the safety of exhibits and for the benefit of other visitors, please do not use flash-light, other lighting devices, selfie sticks or tripods, and follow the photography and filming regulations of each exhibition hall.
Please do not write upon, mark, soil or damage any exhibit, installation, wall or facilities in the museum.
To keep the museum clean and tidy, please do not eat or drink in the museum.
To maintain a quiet, safe and pleasant environment, please do not make excessive noise or otherwise cause danger or disturbance.
Visitors must comply with the "Museums Regulation" (Cap. 132, section 105I) and any other rules enforced by the museum as and when required.

Museum Pass

Please click here for details.


Opening Hours

Mondays, Wednesdays to Fridays : 10am - 6pm
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 10am - 7pm
Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year's Eve : 10am - 5pm (except closed days)
Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays), and the first two days of the Chinese New Year
Box Office will be closed 30 minutes before the Museum closes on opening days

Tel : 2724 9042
E-mail :



*Available for use subject to one working day advance appointment

Mondays to Fridays : 9:30am - 12:45pm
    2pm - 5pm
Saturdays : 9:30am - 12noon
Closed on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays

Resource Centre

Resource Centre
Inclement Weather Arrangements Section

Inclement Weather Special Arrangements

Museum Opening
1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above
  If the signal is in force before opening hours, the Museum will remain closed.
  If the signal is issued during opening hours, the Museum will be closed.
  If the signal is cancelled or lowered to Signal No.3 or below 3 hours or more before the normal closing time and conditions allow, the Museum will resume service within 2 hours. If less than 3 hours remain until closing, the Museum will remain closed for the rest of the day.
2.   Black Rainstorm Warning Signal
  If the signal is in force before opening hours, the Museum will remain closed.
  If the signal is cancelled 3 hours or more before the normal closing time and conditions allow, the Museum will resume service within 2 hours. If less than 3 hours remain until closing, the Museum will remain closed for the rest of the day.
If the signal is issued during opening hours, the Museum will remain open.
3.   "Extreme Conditions"
  If “Extreme Conditions” is in force before opening hours, the Museum will remain closed.

If "Extreme Conditions" is cancelled 3 hours or more before the normal closing time and conditions allow, the Museum will resume service within 2 hours. If less than 3 hours remain until closing, the Museum will remain closed for the rest of the day.
If the Museum is already open, the opening hours may be subject to adjustment.


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