New Publications

Glistening Treasures in the Dust – Ancient Artefacts of Afghanistan

An Age of Luxury: the Assyrians to Alexander (Sold out)

Miles upon Miles: World Heritage along the Silk Road (Sold out)

A Century of Visitors – Prominent Visitors to Hong Kong in its Early Years (Sold out)

Longevity and Virtues: Birthday Celebrations of the Qing Emperors and Empress Dowagers (Sold out)

The Legend of Hong Kong Toys (Sold out)

Chinese Labourers in Cuba in the 19th Century (Sold out)

Dr Sun Yat-sen during the 1911 Revolution (Sold out)

The Rise of the Celestial Empire: Consolidation and Cultural Exchange during the Han Dynasty (Sold Out)

Notes on the History of Hong Kong's Coastal Defences during the British Administration, with Special Reference to Lei Yue Mun (Sold out)